Smitten they arrive Priscilla-style, Nest or with balloons flying through the sun-roof.
Was it really 8 years ago when they were last here as diners?
That sad day, in mourning-black, they brought bags of marbles [I had obviously misplaced mine] and a volume of the Women’s Weekly Cooking for Two to get us through the coming dark days.
Was it really 8 years ago when they were last here as diners?
That sad day, in mourning-black, they brought bags of marbles [I had obviously misplaced mine] and a volume of the Women’s Weekly Cooking for Two to get us through the coming dark days.
Wood Gary get the sex-kitten to sue?.
The gray corner table no longer need the high chair. The bambini, now elegant, young sophisticated ladies have blossomed to light up the room. .

The gray corner table no longer need the high chair. The bambini, now elegant, young sophisticated ladies have blossomed to light up the room. .

There was Fear on table two from lofty heights to speedy trials and cats out of red bubbly bags.
There was Fear on table two from lofty heights to speedy trials and cats out of red bubbly bags.
The Romannee Drew some fine spirit from the Burgundy socks.
Wikki-for-two took their chairs home with them.
Wild strawberries nestled into the bookcase for the delightful long haul.
The now omnivorous unicorn cadet took the natural path and decided that mother should drive.
Bille carted Roses into the private room and gave mum a very good seeing-to.
Bille carted Roses into the private room and gave mum a very good seeing-to.
Oh Neil you looked so radiant in your confirmed diet for two.
Oh Neil you looked so radiant in your confirmed diet for two.
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